Experience The Uninterrupted and Fast Dedicated Server Hosting Services

  • Free Domain Name
  • Over 500+ Email Accounts.
  • Easy Web Design No Coding Required.
  • All Hosting Features.

Web hosting services come up with a number of options for businesses and individuals. This ensures that their website remains accessible to the people at every single instance of time. Dedicated server for hosting is one such extremely popular web hosting solution and it is known to offer a number of benefits to the companies which completely relies on e-commerce. Dedicated server resources extra space, extra bandwidth, extra RAM and extra resources. This is a wonderful resolution for big size online businesses and outsized websites that has a huge amount of visitors and traffic. For illustration: online communication portals, gaming servers, and complex E-commerce websites. Dedicated server atmosphere with low-cost funds,

Looking for your next dedicated server hosting providers of India?Get Dedicated hosting servers in India and VPS Hosting for international & local clients from the most reliable and fast India data-center. we are providing a variety of dedicated servers that will help you to get complete solution for your personal and business requirements. Please have appeared at above plans and wish therefore that will fit in your budget and fulfill your hosting condition. Check Today best offer for Dedicated Server hosting in India and started now.

Offer Dedicated Server Hosting in Mumbai, Delhi, Noida, Chandigarh, Gurgaon, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Cochin, Chennai, Rajasthan.



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Choose Your Managed Dedicated Servers from India

India Based Dedicated Server

The word dedicated stands for Virtual Private Server, it is used to provide immediate services to different users by following the technique of splitting a single physical server computer. The virtual machine which is designed in a way of separating the physical computers permits the users to make changes in their server according to their needs. Virtual Private Server is very important as it reduces the costs, so it is demanded by all the businessmen whether they may be new to this field or much known.

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USA Based Dedicated Server

If your web application or web site is not well-matched with shared hosting and a dedicated server is not in your funds, then Choose dedicated servers that provide you dedicated server atmosphere at low expenditure, we are providing a variety of dedicated servers that will assist you to get a complete resolution for your individual and commercial requirements. Give pleasure to have a look at the above plans and decide accordingly that will fit in your financial plan.

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France Based Dedicated Server

dedicated stands for Virtual Private Server. A dedicated is considered as a step ahead towards having your dedicated server from shared web hosting. With the increasing power, performance, and memory of the CPU of server hardware, virtualization is playing a very important role in web-hosting companies. Several features of dedicated servers are available in dedicated. In most of the cases dedicated can be operated on various Linux flavors like Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, etc. Click here

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Germany Based Dedicated Server

You can also get windows based dedicated servers. These types of dedicated are available with some additional license charges. Physical Memory: With the help of physical memory it can be calculated that the dedicated can what number of applications in a particular amount of time. Most of the dedicated provide memory allocation for 512 MB-4096 MB. Any server below this range is not compatible with any of the applications except running a proxy or a DNS.

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What are Dedicated Servers?

Dedicated server is an online physical hardware machine also can called Dedicated web hosting that can be access from anywhere anytime. Dedicated server entirely leased or rented to client and it not shared to any one other person. Dedicated servers are more reliable, secure and flexible than shared hosting, client have full access and control over the servers also client have option for operation system and hardware.

Dedicated server can be managed dedicated server or unmanaged dedicated server as per customer requirement, Dedicated server are rented for separated time like monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and yearly or any term suitable for customer, it’s based on stated amount of Processor, RAM, Hard Disk, Bandwidth and number of IPs.

Dedicated Servers Work Process.

When customer rented /Buy dedicated servers it get installed and configure according to customers requirement, it works according to your website/application, you can choose hardware, operation system and another software according to your needs, as it configured as per your application or website and its very useful for heavy traffic website, video streaming application, gaming dedicated servers, and large mailing usage.

Benefits, When You Need to leased Dedicated Servers!

People use dedicated servers for many reasons as if they may getting heavy traffic, may need any custom port or application that not possible on shared server, its more reliable and secure. Dedicated server are not having any limitations as shared hosting, if resources are getting low than you can switch to Best dedicated server in India. It allows you to hosting any kind of application like audio, video, gemming, large mailing and another all custom websites and applications that’s are not allowed on shared hosting.

Different Between Cloud VPS and Dedicated Servers.

Cloud and VPS are having virtual layer environment and resources, it’s not fully physical dedicated servers, many application and facilities may not installed on vps or cloud, it shares resources with other vps which are created on same dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are pure physical machine so it provides you complete dedicated resources along with graphic card, more security, custom hardware options. VPS are created on dedicated servers

Can Other Hosting Upgradable to Dedicated Server?

In today’s time technology is much upgraded so anyone can upgrade their hosting to smart dedicated server anytime whether it would be shared hosting, VPS or cloud any service can be upgrade to dedicated servers with unlimited bandwidth. Our technical experts helps you to migrated any website or application, also our well qualified sales team will suggest you suitable dedicated server plans. Whether you may looking for any customization and it can be done without any downtime.

Which Control Panel Available on Dedicated Server.

Control panels are based on operation system, if you choose CentOS, ubuntu, Debian and any linux based os than you can get installed cPanel/WHM and Plesk Panel both will available on very economical price with us. If you would choose windows operation system than you can get installed website panel or plesk panel.

Limitations on Dedicated Servers.

There is no limits on dedicated server, you can use its resources while get 100%, than you may upgrade the server, you can host unlimited websites as many as you like, limits are based on few factors, like size or website and applications that you are going to hosting on server, your development platform also depends on working process, if you have using videos and your website or application are CMS based than it may take more resources of server, so it depends on your own website and application that may create limits, we don’t apply any limits on .Indian dedicated server.

Setup Fee and Hidden Cost of Dedicated Servers.

We don’t charge any setup fee or hidden charges for dedicated servers, its completely free you need pay only server cost. When you place an order than our billing team check all related information and forward to implementation team and they install operating system and another software according to you on your server. After server installation support team check all installation properly and deliver it to you.

Hard Disks and Controllers.

We offer HDD and SSD NVMe, HDD is depends on RPMs its running disks, provides you highest storage but could be bits slow. SSD is available in flash and state solid mode, it’s with blazing super speed but may bit costly. We provide Raid disk controller on Both hard drives on our cheap dedicated servers. If raid is installed on your server means another disk is making copy of first disk, so if in case first drive get failure than we can use second drive. It provide you completed safe and reliable option for your data.

What is Managed and Unmanaged Servers?

We or any server provider provides server management in three options to manage the server as 1) Unmanaged dedicated servers: Here you need to manage your server at your end, we will take care of network, power and hardware only. 2) Basic/semi managed server dedicated servers: In this plan we manage the server level support, application level support have to manage to user only. 3) Fully managed dedicated servers: In this plan whole support and management responsibilities will be ours, we will manage sever and application levels both whether server would be Linux dedicated server or windows dedicated server

Dedicated Server Hosting Services in India

Your trusted dedicated server hosting provider, backed by 24 hour technical support who are always here to help your business succeed. Esteem host is one of the top and best dedicated server provider in India, offering high-speed India hosting solutions. Our dedicated hosting solutions renders best quality of service with outstanding technical support.

The Dedicated server hosting is a kind of site hosting generally favored by the expansive sites or websites having an enormous measure of data and traffic of users and they need to be fast, reliable and responsive. Even though its costs are reasonably higher, individuals still need to have their business websites on a dedicated server hosting. As it is one of the most established servers hosting type it is dependable and offers superior, improved security and opportunity to control your server by your way, hence dedicated server hosting in India is preferred by the professionals. Regardless, a dedicated server India client has a full power to choose the hardware configuration and the type of OS for his dedicated server hosting. This administration is not the same as the common imparted facilitating where various customers impart the server assets and don't have much flexibility to pick the decision of working framework.

  • Uninterrupted Dedicated Resources
  • Latest Hardware for better performance
  • Suitable Technology RAID is used to reduce Data loss and downtime
  • DDR3 RAM for super-fast server speed
  • 24X7 Dedicated Support Team to assist you
  • Blazing fast speed as we have a data center in Texas (USA).
  • Guaranteed Safety and security with the best firewall and antivirus of software and hardware.
  • Dedicated server hosting is solely rented by committed facilitating administrations to web advertisers and associations without sharing these servers to different clients. Consequently, the customer gets the sole use of the dedicated servers and they can utilize the working arrangement as per their requirement, introduce extra equipment and applications, and get full use of the hard circle space and transfer speed, and the internet connection and other web services likewise accessible without having to share with other client.